Grootstrand - Oosterstrand , 8400 Oostende
Opening hours

Workshops - KAAP - 29.06.2024 and 30.06.2024 

Workshops - Theater aan Zee - 31.07.2024 - 10.08.2024


Visual artist Gwendolyn Lootens explores with "you give it a blow and it's gone" the possibilities of transposing her visual language to different situations by the sea. Throughout summer 2024, the audience is invited to participate in play with lines, colour areas, shapes and actions interacting with the sea, the beach, the wind, the light. Thus a metaphorical dialogue between man, sea and the abstract language of Lootens' oeuvre emerges, in a search for a common gesture of resilience.
The process is recorded and can be seen in the exhibition and film. This project is supported by Resealience, Gwendolyn Lootens and Gawan Fagard and co-produced by Arts Centre KAAP, ism. Thermae Palace.