Stadsmuseum Oostende - Langestraat 69 , 8400 Oostende
Opening hours

Open daily from 10.00 AM -12.00 PM and 1.30 PM - 6.00 PM
Closed on Tuesdays.


Standard admission: €5

Reduced rate: €3

>18 years: free

UITpas fare: €1

Ensor was a loner, but not alone. Besides the grand master, other artists worked and exhibited in Ostend. After all, the city by the sea has always been a magnet for countless artists who stayed in Ostend either occasionally and sometimes for longer periods to work or to settle permanently. Some of them came into contact with Ensor or even befriended the man. By means of paintings, graphics, photos, documents, the City Museum is giving a stage to a number of these artists during the Ensor year with the exhibition 'In the shadow of the master, Ensor's contemporaries'.