Expo 18 - IJzerstraat 18, 8400 Oostende
Opening hours

9 & 10 March 

13 & 24 March

6 & 7 April

13 & 14 April 

Each time from 10.30am to 6pm.



Art gallery 'Expo 18' will invite three groups of Ostend residents during the Ensor year to recreate a painting by Ensor, 'View of Mariakerke', under the guidance of artist Koen De Clercq and also to create their own impression of it.
The three groups are primary school pupils from Kroonlaan, a group of residents of the Sint-Monica residential care centre and a group of non-native speakers from Ostend. The works will be sold in Expo18 for the benefit of the non-profit organisation Sint-Monica.