James Ensor Huis - Vlaanderenstraat 27 , 8400 Oostende
Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM.
Closed on Monday, except during Flemish school holidays and on holidays.

The house is also closed on 01/01 and 25/12.


Standard admission: €13

Groups of 10 or more people: €10

‘The Entry’ is Ensor's international masterpiece. Unfortunately, it has been part of the Getty Museum's collection in L.A. since 1987 and will never return, not even temporarily. However, in the Ensor House, a full-scale replica is situated exactly where the original painting hung in the Blue Salon. Xavier Tricot has published an important book about this work and will now draw insights from it to provide interpretation as a curator. The large tapestry created from ‘The Entry’ will also be exhibited.

Curator: Xavier Tricot

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